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562Continued retouching/inpainting small areas of loss as well as larger textured fills.
568Extremely small brushes are used to carefully mix and apply the reversible, stable conservation paints to areas of loss and abrasion.
(Pictured Here: Project intern Claire Burns) -
570Extremely small brushes are used to carefully mix and apply the reversible, stable conservation paints to areas of loss and abrasion.
571Extremely small brushes are used to carefully mix and apply the reversible, stable conservation paints to areas of loss and abrasion.
573This female head was added into the composition during a later painting stage directly over the blue sky. Extremely small brushes were used to carefully mix and apply the reversible, stable conservation paints to areas of loss and abrasion, especially where hints of blue were showing through areas of the woman's face.
574This female head was added into the composition during a later painting stage directly over the blue sky. Extremely small brushes were used to carefully mix and apply the reversible, stable conservation paints to areas of loss and abrasion, especially where hints of blue were showing through areas of the woman's face.
576Extremely small brushes are used to carefully mix and apply the reversible, stable conservation paints to areas of loss and abrasion.
577Extremely small brushes are used to carefully mix and apply the reversible, stable conservation paints to areas of loss and abrasion.
579Extremely small brushes are used to carefully mix and apply the reversible, stable conservation paints to areas of loss and abrasion.