Retouching in Progress
Several distracting pentimenti (original changes made by the artist that were not meant to be seen) had to be carefully suppressed using conservation paints in areas throughout Abner's face and helmet. As seen in the x-ray and IR images, Abner's helmet was originally lower and adorned with an elaborate feather plume but was eventually adjusted during the later painting stages. However, as oil paint can become more transparent over time these pentimenti began to become visible, giving rise to distracting, ghostly forms in the paint.
Soldier's Foot
Several distracting pentimenti (original changes made by the artist that were not meant to be seen) had to be carefully suppressed using conservation paints. As seen in the x-ray and IR images, multiple changes were made to the legs and feet belonging to the group of central soliders. As oil paint can become more transparent over time these pentimenti began to become visible, giving rise to distracting, ghostly forms in the paint